Understanding IntercoinGetting Started with IntercoinIntercoin MuralPresenting at Palo AltoInterview with GregThe Bristol PoundBerksharesMeeting the teamWhat's all the excitement about?What makes Intercoin unique?Intercoin - Mainstream AdoptionIntercoin Vision
Intercoin is the next step in the evolution of money.
Just as the Internet is a global network that connects local networks, Intercoin is a global currency platform that enables communities around the world to issue and manage their own currency, to circulate among their local population. Intercoin enables fintech innovation on the local community level, leading to stronger communities, greater sustainability, less poverty, and more productivity. Intercoin picks up where BTC and ETH left off, building a platform that's not just secure, but scalable too.
Voluntary Basic Income
Thanks to Intercoin, every member of a community can receive a periodic “airdrop” of money they can use on necessities. This UBI can be funded by outside donors, or by the community democratically voting to gradually inflate their internal money supply. Community currencies powered by Intercoin enable communities to help their own, without waiting for the Federal Government, and without disincentivizing paid work. The arrangement is completely voluntary and democratic.
Money Analytics and Insights
Intercoin‘s architecture enables programmable coins with a variety of applications. Merchants can add tags like “books”, “food” or “clothing” to their products, and authorized users can see statistics on how money was spent. Experts can analyze the local economy. Donors and investors can have more confidence. Everyone in the community can have a real time Consumer Price Index to inform their democratic decision making, and address issues like rising prices or shrinking wages.
Elections and Governance
Intercoin is built to help democratize power to the people and their local communities. Cryptography enables people to hold secure and private elections about any matter of community governance, and could even be used for securely tallying and reporting results for national elections. Intercoin has also pioneered Provably Random Polling that is unaffected by poor voter turnout or spoiler effects. It can be used to continuously adjust levers of monetary policy, such as how much UBI to issue the next day.
Fundraising and Liquidity
Intercoin’s programmable coins are designed to help groups raise money for a new project or initiative, in a way that is compliant with regulations. Coins can represent securities that obey individual rules, like not being sold to US residents for 40 days. Purchased coins can contain rules that govern how they are to be spent and when they can be cashed out. And Intercoin itself is designed to provide full trustless liquidity between any currency pairs, removing the need to list coins on exchanges to enable secondary trading.
A New Kind of Payment Network
Today, large corporations act as middlemen for our everyday online communications and transactions. Often, they work hand in hand with governments. In the last few years, these centralized social networks have all launched payment networks. Bitcoin and Ethereum have not been scalable enough to compete. The team behind Intercoin spent the last decade creating an open, web-based, decentralized social platform to rival Facebook and Google. Now they can use it to roll out a revolutionary payment platform on top. If decentralized crypto doesn’t soon gain mainstream adoption, to power everyday payments, it‘ll be Facebook and WeChat’s world — we’ll just live in it.
Community and Loyalty
Intercoin’s team spent the last decade helping communities release apps to unite their members and coordinate social activity. Now communities can release currencies to coordinate economic activity. They represent a soft but voluntary power — encouraging people to spend the currency on local goods and services that accept it — or to support the community with small fees when cashing out unused coins. Towns already do this to battle globalism, and festivals can create an extended online community that transacts on their own year-round.
Superpowers for Any Currency
Ethereum smart contracts enable Intercoin to be traded against Bitcoin, ETH, as well as a growing set of tokens pegged to your favorite fiat currency. Intercoin can be used to turn these into virtual versions of Bitcoin or USD that have all the advanced features of Intercoin community currencies: They would finally be spendable in everyday payments, be programmable, instantly convertible, generate analytics, and much more. When done, people can cash out back into the original versions. Think of Intercoin as a decentralized “layer 2” solution that isn’t controlled by anyone.
Sound Money, Individual Choice
Communities issue their own currency backed by Intercoin. They can choose to inflate the circulating supply of their own money, to spend on internal projects, or they can choose to tax certain transactions and remove money from circulation. These activities deterministiclly change the exchange rate of the community’s local money to Intercoin, without affecting the other communities or the rest of the Intercoin ecosystem. Each community can choose its own policies and openly program them into their coins. Each individual can choose what coins to get and how to spend them, with upfront knowledge of what they’re getting into.
White Paper
This is the original whitepaper for the Intercoin project, that discusses the need for a programmable community currency platform, with applications such as Universal Basic Income, Consumer Price Index, and more. You can discuss this and much more in the Community Forum
Intercoin Features
Intercoin is the next step in the evolution of money.
A New Kind of Payment Network
Community and Loyalty
Fundraising and Liquidity
Voluntary Basic Income
Money Analytics and Insights
Elections and Governance
Superpowers for Any Currency
Intercoin is the next step in the evolution of money.
Just as the Internet is a global network that connects local networks, Intercoin is a global currency platform that enables communities around the world to issue and manage their own currency, to circulate among their local population. Intercoin enables fintech innovation on the local community level, leading to stronger communities, greater sustainability, less poverty, and more productivity. Intercoin picks up where BTC and ETH left off, building a platform that's not just secure, but scalable too.
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The information contained on this website does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any coins, tokens, securities, or other instruments in any jurisdiction. Any such offer shall be made only pursuant to a definitive private placement memorandum or registration statement, subscription agreement, and related offering documents. Prospective investors are cautioned not to rely upon any statements of fact, opinion, or other representations, except insofar as the same may be set forth in the Private Placement Memorandum. Any information set forth on this website is subject to change without notice, and all such information is subject to and superseded in its entirety by information set forth in the PRIVATE PLACEMENT MEMORANDUM.
Visitors are cautioned that Intercoin, Inc. is an early stage company, and its technology is at the beginning stages of development. This website describes certain features and functionalities of the Intercoin platform and Intercoin coins, but there is no guarantee that such features or functionalities will be developed in the form described, or at all. Such descriptions and other statements on this website constitute "forward-looking statements", and visitors to this website are cautioned not to place undue reliance on them and to recognize that they are not guarantees of performance. The use of present tense verbs to describe features or functionalities of the Intercoin platform and/or coins should not be construed as a representation that such features and functionalities currently exist or will be developed in the near future or at all. Development of the Intercoin platform and coins as described will require that Intercoin Inc. overcome substantial development hurdles, and it may not be possible to overcome some or all of such hurdles.